October 14th Release Notes 2021

14th October 2021 Release


Impacted area



Contract Data Buyer Insights

Contracted spend report now contains contract Name as a data column on screen, a filter for the report and an additional column of data in the export file.


Review Basket,Sci-net custom fields

Implementation analysts can now add additional allowable character validation for single text custom fields. This definiiton in sci-net is then used by review baskets only to support entry of those characters by end users.

A future development change will add support for this in requsitions and amendments. For now they are supported only by review basket custom fields.


Review Basket Workflow Editor And Workflow Engine

For the review basket domain only. The workflow editor pallette contains a new 'request changes' workflow item. This can be used in the same way as reject and apporval complete items as a workflow end point. It implements an automated version of an approver requesting changes rather than a simple reject. This also supports entry of a text message in the editor which will be used as part of the request changes email to the user.

When a basket recahes this type of step in the workflow it triggers a request changes event as if an apporver had taken that action manually.

This is currently only implemented in the review basket screens. A future development will add this funcitonality into the requsitions and amendment screens.


Custom Fields API And Review Baskets

Implementation Analysts can now define a new visibility relationship for custom fields. The API now includes a facility for adding values to this type of relationship.

The end result is that parent custom fields can be defined that make child fields appear or disappear from the screen based on the parent selection. This allows for more complex scenarios where certain custom fields are only required in some cases.

This is currently only implemented in the review basket screens. A future development will add this funcitonality into the requsitions and amendment screens.


Contract Data Supplier Insights

Contracted spend report now contains contract Name as a data column on screen, a filter for the report and an additional column of data in the export file.


Order Amendments

Corrected display of assigned custom files to users who are apporvers as the amendment moves thropugh the apporval process.


Order Amendments

Line removal is now possible as part of the amendment process for apporvers. Removed line items are listed in section on PDF top supplier.

  1. In edit mode can delete a line
  2. revert option will bring back deleted lines
  3. line cannot be deleted if any quantity for line has been receipted already
  4. Lines stay visible on screen but show as marked as deleted
  5. Lines deleted by creator of amendment will show as deleted to approvers
  6. Cancelling amendment will revert back to original order with no deleted lines.
  7. If an order has only a single line, prevent deletion.


Order Amendments

Some back end work has been put in place to support header level custom fields on order amendments. This funcitonality is not yet certified for use yet and will be made available in subsequent release.


Order Amendments

Delegation is now supported by oreder amendments.


Review Baskets

Internal attachments for review baskets now support the inclusion of .txt files.

How did we do?

25th November 2021 Release

30th Septemeber 2021 Release Notes
