Supplier: Catalogue Management tab - What does each file status mean?

Tom Mullen Updated by Tom Mullen

Job status Summaries

This guide covers the potential statuses you may see when uploading a product, price or deletion file on the supplier portal.

Product loading and deletions

Some of these statuses you may never see since the upload will work its way through each (where appropriate) and only present statuses where it takes time to process through to the next status



Colour of the status as it shows on the interface

Uploading file

Upload is in progress (waiting for the file to upload)



Covers virus scan, conversion to .csv and header mappings for product loading



Validating the provided headers in the file



Counting the deletions - checking how many items have been found to delete (a report gets generated off the back of this to show items and those that haven't been found)


Pending approval

A deletion upload is awaiting approval from a user. The Approve items to be deleted? tick-box was selected at the point of uploading items to be deleted, so the upload is set to a pending approval state. You need to check the items first of all before selecting to approve or reject the upload


Scanning approved

For deletion jobs only where the job has been approved, but unlikely to display for long or at all since the job should move to 'processing' instantly


Scanning rejected

If a deletion file is rejected by a user 'scanning rejected' is the status that would appear


Handling duplicates

Where there are duplicates this status shows the system is currently checking those



File is being processed following the completion of 'pre-processing'


Generating report

Reports are generated at the end of the upload (i.e. following the relevant checks, validations and processing)


Images downloading

Images are being downloaded



Upload has failed. Click the 'View' button on the right hand side to see reports

If the virus scan has failed, the system will display “The virus scan performed on your upload has identified issues, please contact OneAdvanced”

If the excel conversion has failed, the system will display “The file you uploaded is in the incorrect format, please upload in either .csv, .xls or .xlsx"

A deletion file could have a status of 'failed' if approval wasn't made by a user within 30 days of upload. The system will automatically reject the file on your behalf


Partially succeeded

The job has only partially succeeded meaning something in the file has failed and will need to be reviewed. Click the 'View' button on the right hand side, to see reports to show you what has failed and what was successful



The file upload succeeded.


Price loading

Some of these statuses you may never see since the upload will work its way through each (where appropriate) and only present statuses where it takes time to process through to the next status



Colour of the status as it shows on the interface

Uploading file

Upload is in progress (waiting for the file to upload)



Covers virus scan, conversion to .csv and header mappings for price loading



File is being processed following the completion of 'pre-processing'


Scanning approved

Unlikely to display for long or at all since the job should move to 'processing' instantly


Scanning rejected

If the price file failed any of the row validation this status would appear



Upload has failed. Click the 'View' button on the right hand side to see reports.

If the virus scan has failed, the system will display “The virus scan performed on your upload has identified issues, please contact OneAdvanced”

If the excel conversion has failed, the system will display “The file you uploaded is in the incorrect format, please upload in either .csv, .xls or .xlsx"

If the price file headers have been provided in the incorrect format or do not match your available price lists, an error message will be displayed on drill down


On Hold

If you trigger multiple jobs at once the files will be processed one by one. The system will work through each file in turn. Any file waiting to be processed will have a status of 'On Hold'

This is so that the same catalogue number is not processed twice at the same time (to ensure a single source of truth for price approval)


Price Staging

Pricing is being inserted into the system for the price approval step



The file upload succeeded


How did we do?

Supplier: How do I delete products from my catalogue?

Supplier: How do I hide a product from a buyer(s)?
