Buyer: How do I mark an entire supplier catalogue as 'Preferred'?

AD team Updated by AD team

To enable a whole supplier to be preferred on your Purchasing marketplace, you would need to make changes at top level company. Please find instructions below on how to enable a whole supplier to be preferred.

Please be aware this functionality is only available to System Administrators / those with an admin log-in
  1. In Business Unit Administration, select Supplier Status:
  2. Select the supplier on the list that you wish to make preferred
  3. In the Status dropdown, select Preferred:
  4. Click Update
Changes may require a overnight refresh in order to take effect; This will depend on the size of the catalogue.
Price approver users will still be able to change the item status of individual items from this supplier if required.

How did we do?

Buyer Admin: Price Approval - How do I approve or reject a price file?

Buyer Admin: How do I export a supplier catalogue?
