Supplier: How do I tag my organisation against a global sustainability attribute?

AD team Updated by AD team

How do I tag my organisation against a global attribute?

This guide covers how to mark your organisation as being part of / meeting the requirements for a global sustainability attribute.

Global attributes are fully certified or globally / nationally recognised schemes which multiple suppliers may be a part of and will share the definition of e.g. Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance Certified, ISO 14001 etc.

Please note that the Purchasing (formerly Advanced Marketplace) team manage ALL global attributes. If you cannot locate a attribute that you believe should be global, please contact our Customer Support team via the OneAdvanced Customer Portal, providing as much detail about the proposed attribute as possible so we can review your request to add it to the system.

If you are looking to add an attribute that only applies to your organisation, you need to create a Supplier Attribute. Please follow the guide here instead: How do I create and manage supplier sustainability attributes?

  1. From the supplier portal, go to the Attribute Editor tab:
  2. Locate the global attribute you wish to mark your company as having, click the three dot menu option on the right and select View Details:
    Remember that a global attribute must have the 'SUPPLIER TAG' marker assigned in order to allow you to mark your entire organisation against it. If the attribute only has a 'PRODUCT TAG' marker assigned, it can only be used at an individual product level.
  3. From within the Global Attribute details page, tick the My Organisation has this box.
  4. Click Assign:
  5. Your connected buyers can then approve this in their Attribute Manager. Once approved, each buyer will need to complete their mapping process within the editor in order to choose how this is visible to their end-users.
  6. Once your organisation is associated with this attribute, you may upload a document e.g. a certificate, as evidence for this association. Click the Choose File button:
    You can then select a file to upload. Once you have chosen a file, click Submit and the file will be uploaded. Buyers will be able to review this file as part of their approval process.
Buyers are able to reject organisation level Global Attributes, but are also able to reapprove them at any time without a supplier needing to resubmit the request, so once you have assigned the attribute no further steps are required.

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Supplier: Sustainability - Reporting on the ESG Insights Dashboard
