Table of Contents

Supplier: Purchase Orders

AD team Updated by AD team

How do I view my orders?

You can access your latest orders from the supplier portal homepage, or a full list from the Orders tab:

To search for a specific order number you can use the search button or apply filters using the options on the left hand side of the page.

For example, if you want to view any pending orders (i.e. those that you have not yet picked up), you can apply the Status filter and select 'Approved - supplier pending'

How to process orders

You can access the details of a purchase order by clicking the PO number in the 'number' column.

Once viewing a purchase order, you can confirm the PO details such as product information, quantity, unit price and VAT.

Other information may be included such as comments, attachments and requested delivery date, although these are not mandatory.

Accepting Orders

Once the PO is reviewed you can accept the order via the button on the top right of the purchase order screen.

If the order is accepted, a notification will be sent to the buyer and the status of the order will be updated to ‘Supplier accepted’.

Cancelling Orders

Once you have opened an order you can either cancel the entire order or cancel individual lines.

  • To cancel the entire order select 'Cancel' in the top right of the order next to 'Accept'.
  • To cancel a line(s), tick the appropriate line(s) and click ‘Cancel selected items’, found below the order lines:

When cancelling a line or the entire order, a comment can be left which will be passed through to the relevant end-user. These can be added in the ‘Comments to buyer field’ found below the order or on the order line.

An email notification will be sent to the buyer to confirm cancellation.

An order can still be cancelled once the order has a status of ‘Supplier Accepted’.

Shipping Orders

If an order is accepted there is an additional option to change the status of all items to ‘Shipped’. This can be done using the ‘Ship all items’ option at the top of the page, and this will also notify the buyer.

How do I download a PDF copy of my order?

From within a purchase order, click the Print button on the top right of the purchase order screen. This opens a new browser tab where the PDF copy can either be downloaded or printed depending on your requirements.

What is a free format order?

Free format items are items manually created by a buyer. This could be due to the product not being available in your catalogue through Purchasing (formerly Advanced Marketplace). Free format items are identified by the vertical text next to the description:

Free format items are handled in the same way as normal order items. If you don't stock the product requested then you can cancel that line.

How did we do?

Supplier: How can I review any invoice rejections?

Supplier: PO flip invoicing
