3rd March 2022 release

3rd March 2022 release


Impacted area



Regquisiitons screen

When an item is hidden between a requsition submission and final apporval, this causes an error on the requsiiton screen such that the user is unable toi display or edit that requsiition.

See stories below for new funcitonality change to deal ith this


Requsiitons Leeds Integration

When items are deleted between a requsition submission and final apporval, this causes an error on the Leeds integration and the order is not created correctly.

See stories below for new funcitonality change to deal ith this


Requsitions Screen.

If a requsiiton line contains an item that has been hidden or deleted then that line must be removed or rejected in order to allow apporval of that requsiiton.

This will mean requisiotns can now be viewed that have these type of lines and the lines are indicated to the user. It will no longer be possible to move a requsition with unavailable items to be placed into a generated order.

The same logic and checks will also be present on the aggregation screen so aggregations cannot be created that contain these items.

Catalogue items which are no longer available because they have been deleted or hidden will appear with an extra banner on the line:

The aggregation apporval screen will also highlight lines that are prevetning an aggregation from being approved.


Requsitions Screen.

The requisition screen was perfoprming very slow and sometimes not workin when an organisation had a large umber of delivery addresses (in excess of 17000 addresses). The interface for the deliery addresses has now been changed to shw fewer addresses and include a filter which allows the user to search fo appropriate addresses .

How did we do?

28th April 2022 release

17th February 2022 Rlease Notes
