25th November 2021 Release

Gary Leach Updated by Gary Leach

25th November 2021 Release


Impacted area



Review baskets/basket workflow.

Event log for a review basket showed ID rather than name of custom fields. Changed to show the name instead.


Review baskets/basket workflow.

Userdata condition was not being evaluated correctly of not the first step in a workflow or if was the first step but basket was subject to 'request changes' action. Corrected to evaulate correctly in all scenarios.


Review baskets/basket workflow.

Approver was able to submit a basket after requesting changes. Changed so after requesting changes the approver can no longer do this.


Buyer Insights

A permissions script run on release which enables all Buyer Insights users with company data access to have access to contract data insights reports.

In order to make reports available to buyer and supplier organisations, customer support will need to add the permissions to all buyers and suppliers via permissions manager.



Search filter on custom fields for line level custom fields were making list of values disappear. Fixed so that filter now works as expected.

How did we do?

July 22nd 2021 Release

October 14th Release Notes 2021
