Supplier: How do I upload PDF documents to my products?

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Adding PDF documents

PDFs or other supplementary documents e.g. protocols, MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) or technical documents, can be added to your product data where required.

Documents can be provided as URLs or as their physical PDFs. You can find instructions for both formats below.

Supporting documents must be relevant to the product they link to and OneAdvanced may remove documents which do not meet this criteria.

How to upload documents in PDF File format

  1. Download the relevant Data Template from the Catalogue Management tab (Upload > Product). You will need to complete, as a minimum, the yellow mandatory fields as well as the 'Document file 1' column (and 'Document file 2' if a second document is needed).
Remove any unpopulated non-mandatory fields where you don’t wish to overwrite the data that’s already been uploaded. If any blank non-mandatory fields are left in the data template and successfully uploaded they will overwrite and so blank the existing data.
  1. To complete the 'Document file 1' column please ensure you input the exact name of the document and extension as this is saved e.g. 'safetysheet.pdf '. The column is case sensitive and will need to perfectly match the name of the file.
    1. Please note that these file names are displayed to users within the product details page. Therefore, it is better to provide intuitive names (e.g. Benzene MSDS.pdf) where possible, rather than simply naming documents after catalogue numbers.
  2. Once the template is fully complete (it can be saved as .xls, .xlsx or .csv), upload it as normal via the Catalogue Management tab
  3. Once the data file has uploaded successfully, you will need to upload the pdf files via a zip file. For this, go to the File upload tab.
    1. A pop-up appears and you can attach your documents by selecting ‘Attach completed file’ and finding the file where your documents are saved. For ease of upload, save all your documents in a zip file and upload them all at once.
    2. Define your file type as ‘Image files - including GIF, JPEG or ZIP’, and click Upload.
    3. Once completed, you are able to check the status of the zip file upload by selecting Upload status from the Supplier Portal.
    4. If you need to check your uploaded documents, you can review individual products by using the search bar at the top of the supplier portal.

How to upload documents as URLs

This option will allow you to upload your PDF documents as URLs as part of the Product Data File upload.

This means there is no requirement to upload a separate file of documents
  1. Go to the Catalogue Management tab > Upload > Products
  2. Complete the product data template as normal, including your document URLs in the 'Document URL 1' column (and 'Document URL 2' if a second document is needed).
    1. An example document URL format that would be inputted would be:
    2. PDF documents can be hosted by a supplier but you need to ensure they are made available/public so that OneAdvanced can view them.
    3. The file can be saved as .xls, .xlsx or .csv
Remove any unpopulated non-mandatory fields where you don’t wish to overwrite the data that’s already been uploaded. If any blank non-mandatory fields are left in the data template and successfully uploaded they will overwrite and so blank the existing data.
  1. Returning to the Upload Products pop-out, locate your saved product data file, and click Submit
  2. Upon successful processing of the product file, OneAdvanced will download the PDFs and host them on our system.

How did we do?

Supplier: How do I upload images to my catalogue?

Supplier: How do I delete products from my catalogue?
