Release Notes 24th May 2023


Impacted area



Requisition emails

Fix : Approver Emails Not Sending Post 11-05 Release

This has been fixed and email notifications are now working as expected.



Fix : Long Description box is set to mandatory incorrectly.

This update addresses an issue where the Long Description field in Catalogue Creation/Edit was incorrectly set as a mandatory field.



Fix: Timeout Pop-up Does Not Appear

Users will now receive the appropriate time-out notification when required, ensuring a smoother user experience.


Product Search

Improved user experience by enabling product search to retain searched text value

We have enhanced the product search functionality to improve the user experience. Users will now find that the searched text value is preserved, allowing them to easily refine or modify their search without losing their initial input. This update provides a more seamless and efficient search experience.



Product Search

Added keyword-based product search with feature toggle support, excluding Manufacturer Part Number and Catalogue Number

We are pleased to introduce the new keyword-based product search feature, which allows users to search for products using relevant keywords. Please note that the search results will not include Manufacturer Part Numbers or Catalogue Numbers, ensuring more focused and relevant search results.

Note : This is supported with feature flag and can be accessed on enabling feature



Catalogue Export - Supplier

Added sustainability attributes to supplier catalogue extract and introduced multiple enhancements

In this release, we have made significant improvements to our supplier catalogue extract. Notably, we have included sustainability attributes to provide valuable information on the environmental impact of products. Additionally, we have implemented several other enhancements to further enhance the functionality and usability of the extract. These updates collectively contribute to a more comprehensive and informative supplier catalogue experience.

Note : This will be activated soon and notifications will be sent


Attribute Editor Domain API

Added API support for searching matching attributes within selected domains

We have introduced an API feature that will enable users to perform searches for matching attributes within attribute editor domains. This enhancement will empower users to query and retrieve matching attributes names based on their search criteria.





Removed feature toggles associated with technical debt items from the application

We have taken the necessary step to remove certain feature toggles from the application. These toggles were associated with technical debt items, and their removal allows us to streamline the codebase and improve the overall stability and maintainability of the application.



Updated Armoury version in cmp-reclaimer

How did we do?

Release Notes 07th Jun 2023

Release Notes 11th May 2023
