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Supplier: How do I export contract data from the Contract Module?

AD team Updated by AD team

This guide explains how to export your data from the Contract Module.

There are four main export options for suppliers:

  • Export contracted items
  • Export non-contracted items
  • Export contract information (details of the contract itself such as contract reference, expiry date etc.)
  • Export all contract information (same as above but for all active contracts)

The first three of these can be found from within an individual Local Contract or Framework by scrolling to the Export Items and Export Contract section (found below the Attachments section):

'Export Items' is only available if a contract has been set at Item level.

To export a list of the items that are contracted or not contracted to this agreement:

  1. Tick the Contracted and / or Not Contracted box(es) that you require and click Export. A file will become available in the Recent Audit Logs section at the bottom of the page to download:
  1. Select the green Completed Export button to download a CSV file which contains the the following columns:

The same process applies for exporting that contract's details. Click the Export button from the Export Contract section, and access the report from the Audit Log at the bottom of the page.

To bulk download all of your active contract details (local and framework) this can be done using the Contract Management panel available at the top of all pages on the Contract Module.

  1. Go to the Export Contracts tab
  2. Click Export All
  3. Go to the Show Audit Log button on the top right hand side. You may need to click the refresh button if the export doesn't instantly appear:
  4. Select the green Completed Export button to download a CSV file which contains the following columns:

How did we do?

Supplier: How do I activate a framework contract?

Supplier: Contract spend analysis
