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Supplier: How do I export my catalogue?

AD team Updated by AD team

In order to see what data (product and pricing) you have currently loaded across your entire catalogue, you can complete a catalogue export from the system.

We recommend exporting your catalogue on a regular basis (or every time before you update your data) as good practice, so that you have a back up copy of your data should you ever need to use it.
If you just need to review one, or a small number of products, you can also use the search bar at the top of the Supplier Portal to do this. Just type the catalogue number of the product you are looking for.

To export your whole catalogue:

  1. From the supplier portal homepage, go to the Catalogue Export tab
  2. There will be a number of blank boxes, however, as a minimum select the ‘categories’ box and choose the first option which is ‘ALL
  3. Click the Export button, 'ok' the pop-up box that will appear, and then click the ‘refresh’ button to check the progress of the export.
If your catalogue contains a large number of products, it may take some time to download. You can leave the page and the export will continue to run.
  1. The newest export will appear at the top of the list, and will show as COMPLETE when ready
  2. Click on the name to access the downloaded CSV file
If you have volume price break pricing in your catalogue, the product and pricing data will be exported in separate CSV files.

It is strongly recommended that IF you have leading zeros or symbols such as the micro symbol (µ) in your catalogue numbers you will need to follow the below steps to ensure those are displayed correctly when imported into Excel:

Failure to do so could cause problems if you utilise the export to create a new data or pricing file.
  1. Launch Microsoft Excel, and open a blank workbook (Microsoft 365)
  2. Click the Data tab, then Get Data > From File and then select the option for From Text/CSV (you may have the option to select From Text/CSV from the main Data tab also)
  3. In the pop-up window, browse, and find your CSV file and click Import
  4. This will open another pop-up window with a preview of the data from the CSV file
  5. Select the File Origin option as 65001: Unicode (UTF- 8) in the dropdown box, and then click Load
  6. The file should now be open and be ready to use. Save as an Excel file if necessary

How did we do?

Supplier: How do I upload my products?

Supplier: How do I provide catalogue pricing?
