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Supplier: How do I update an active contract?

AD team Updated by AD team

This guide covers how to add and delete items to an already active local contract or framework.

If you need to activate a framework, please click here for the relevant guide.

If you need to set up a local contract, please click here for the relevant guide.

For instructions on how to export existing contracted (and non-contracted) data so you can easily see all items that have been uploaded (or not uploaded) previously, please click here.

If a contract is set at 'supplier' level, please note that any new items loaded onto the OneAdvanced network will automatically be assigned to that contract. However, buyers will still only be able to see items if they have approved a price for them.

How to add items to an existing active contract

  1. Go to the Contract Module
  2. Click onto the Active tab
  3. Locate the relevant framework/ local contract, and click the 'Action' cog button on the far right side
  4. Scroll to Manage Items. From here, you have two upload choices depending on how many additional items need to be assigned:
    1. For individual additions, use the Add button to input a particular catalogue number. You can then assign the correct Lot name once added (if applicable):
    2. For bulk uploads, use the Download Template button to access the template. Complete the two columns for Catalogue Number and Lot Name (please use the exact lot name(s) provided in the Manage Lots section, or if not applicable this column can be left blank). Save the file as a .csv or .csvx file, and from the original page, use the Select a file button to locate the file to upload.
  1. Once successfully loaded / all new products are assigned, providing the buyer(s) have already joined the contract previously, the new items will be assigned the contract logo straight away.

How to remove items from a framework

If you need to remove items from a contract, there are two options available, both of which are completed via the Manage Items section of a contract.

If you delete a product from the system via the normal processes, it will automatically be removed from any contracts


To remove a single, or small number of items, select the tick box beside each applicable item and then click Delete selected. You can use the 'filter' box to search for specific items.

Delete All

Click the Delete All button to remove all items assigned to that contract

How did we do?

Supplier: Contract spend analysis

Supplier: How do I set up a local contract?
