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Supplier: How can I review any invoice rejections?

AD team Updated by AD team

How can I review a invoice rejection reason?

  1. From the supplier portal, go to the Insights tab
  2. The main KPI dashboard will be automatically opened in a new tab. Click into the Invoices report
  3. Data is displayed for all invoices in the past 12 months as standard. Use the filters at the top of the page to specifically located Rejected invoices using the Invoice Status dropdown:
  4. Filters can also be applied for a specific buyer, date range and currency if required
  5. Click Apply filters
  6. Once the results have refreshed, click the Export Invoices (.csv) button underneath the weekly invoice value graph. This will export a CSV file containing all rejected invoices, including the rejection reason:

Common Rejection Reasons


Purchase line 1 invoice line unit price (100.00) outside tolerance (0.05) from purchase line unit price (90.00)

Duplicate invoice number

Order [XXX] does not exist for buyer [Buyer]

Purchase line 1 invoice line part number (123456) does not match purchase line part number (ABCDEF)

How did we do?

Supplier: Purchase Orders
