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Supplier: How can I review any invoice rejections?

AD team Updated by AD team

How can I review a invoice rejection reason?

  1. From the supplier portal, go to the Insights tab
  2. The main KPI dashboard will be automatically opened in a new tab. Click into the Invoices report
  3. Data is displayed for all invoices in the past 12 months as standard. Use the filters at the top of the page to specifically located Rejected invoices using the Invoice Status dropdown:
  4. Filters can also be applied for a specific buyer, date range and currency if required
  5. Click Apply filters
  6. Once the results have refreshed, click the Export Invoices (.csv) button underneath the weekly invoice value graph. This will export a CSV file containing all rejected invoices, including the rejection reason:

Common Rejection Reasons



This eInvoice was sent to Science Warehouse containing invalid log in credentials (or the account is locked). Please contact Science Warehouse to confirm these.

A marketplace account is associated with the submission of invoices from a supplier. The account being used has either become locked or the credentials supplied with the invoice request are invalid.

Duplicate Invoice Number

An invoice for the same supplier has already been submitted with that number.

Invoice Number must not be blank

The invoice must have a number.

Delivery charge is too large, maximum is xxx

An additional shipping charge has been specified at the summary level which is in excess of the agreed allowed shipping charge.

lines [lineref] order [orderref] does not exist for buyer

The purchase order and lines that the invoice refers to do not exist for the buyer against which this invoice has been submitted.

Incorrect Total (Outside of tolerance amount) Net Amount [Total Net - x], Order Items Net - y

Validation failed on check between sum of net totals on invoice vs the corresponding order and was outside of the amount of tolerance allowed.

Incorrect Total (Outside of tolerance percentage)

There is a discrepancy between the invoice line values and the summary values which is outside of allowed tolerances.

lines [x] unit price Purchase line [y] invoice line unit price outside tolerance from purchase line price


Purchase line 1 invoice line unit price (100.00) outside tolerance (0.05) from purchase line unit price (90.00)

Invoice line unit price does not match purchase order line unit price and exceeds allowable tolerances for this match.

lines [x] Order [y] does not exist


Order [XXX] does not exist for buyer [Buyer]

The invoice refers to an order line or order that does not exist as a purchase order transmitted via the marketplace.

Order line [x] does not have quantity greater than zero.

Order line referenced by invoice does not have a quantity greater than zero.

invoice order [y] line [x] quantity should be a number

Invoice order line has a non numeric value in the quantity.

Purchase line [x] invoice line part number [a] does not match purchase line part number [b]

There is a mismatch between the supplier part numbers on the invoice and the line to which it refers on the corresponding order line.

Invoice line(s) [x,y,…] for order line (Po Line Number: [n] Part Number [p] Description : [xxxxx] value too large

This invoice attempts to invoice a value that is too big considering previous invoices which have been raised against the same purchase order. There is not enough remaining value on the order to invoice against.

Invoice line(s) [n] for purchase line [x] quantity too large, order=4 already invoiced by previous invoices = 4 , balance =0, quantity in this invoice = 3

An invoice has been submitted against a purchase order which has already been fully invoiced or for which the remaining amount to be invoiced is less than the quantity being attempted to invoice for.

No {ATTRIBUTE_DATE_ named [InvoiceDate] found in element [InvoiceDetailRequestHeader]

A valid invoice date is missing from the submitted invoice in the invoice header.

How did we do?

Supplier: Purchase Orders
