Supplier: How do I complete the OneAdvanced data templates?

AD team Updated by AD team

Standard Data Requirements Document

For guidance on how to complete all data templates, you will need to download the Standard Data Requirements guide. The document covers how to complete each column within the product and pricing templates.

To download the data requirements guide:

  1. Go to the Catalogue Management tab on the supplier portal
  2. Select the Upload button in the top right of the screen and choose Products from the dropdown
  1. Within the pop-up window, the first tab you are defaulted to is File. From the Template dropdown, select OneAdvanced standard data requirements guide and hit the Download button

Information within the guide can also help improve how your products are displayed and ranked on Purchasing when buyers are searching for items, as the data you provide is key to the search algorithm.

Improving the quality of product data allows buyers to find the required products quicker and make better buying decisions, as they will have more information upon which to base their decision. If they can find all the details they need to purchase a product from a supplier, they are more likely to return to this supplier to make subsequent purchases.

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