Release Notes 30th March 2023


Impacted area



Reset Password email

Minor changes has been updated in email content and email signature for email notification sent for Reset password.


Supplier Invoices

New address has been updated in Invoice sent for transaction fees to suppliers.

19648, 19649

User Account

Labels for 'My account' and 'View Account' has been updated to 'Marketplace profile' for non-SIM Suppliers and similarly label 'My Account Settings' has been updated to 'Marketplace profile' for Buyers.

For SWL admin and Buyer admin, Label 'My account' has been updated to 'Marketplace profile'


Admin- User

A new 'Advanced Account Management' button has been introduced in 'User' page to be accessed by SWL admin and Buyer admin to manage 'Advanced Account' for users. This will navigate user to new page on separate tab. This is separate to marketplace profile of users.

Actions like 'Force Password Change' and 'Reset Password' can now be actioned from Advanced Account Management page.

18793, 18792

Search Product

Enables users to search products using catalogue numbers and manufacturing part numbers as an option in product search in Buyers Portal.

This feature provides a faster and more accurate way to locate products, improving overall experience and productivity.

Note:- Please note that this feature is currently turned off but will be available soon.


User Login

For users who log in directly to Advanced Cloud Marketplace, we've extended the account lockout timeframe to enhance security. Now, if user enter incorrect login information three times in a row, the account will be temporarily locked for few minutes.

How did we do?

Release Notes 13th April 2023

Release Notes 02nd February 2023
