Supplier: How do I set up a local contract?

AD team Updated by AD team

How to set up a local contract

This guide describes how to set up a local contract on the Contract Module. For how to activate a framework, please follow this guide here.

Local contracts should be set-up for agreements / contracts between yourselves and one buyer.

Buyers also have the ability to set up local contracts. You will be notified via email if one is assigned to you. They can just set up the basic contract information, OR can assign lots and items to the contract themselves for you to review. If a buyer has done this you will find the local contract in the Active tab.
  1. Go to the Contract Module.
  2. Select the green Add New Contract button which can be found at the top of the page. Select Local from the Type dropdown box:
  1. You will be presented with the following boxes to complete (fields marked by a red asterisk are mandatory). For example, this is where you will set which buyer this local contract is for:




50 characters maximum

Contract Reference

50 characters maximum. This can be amended by the buyer if they choose, or by the supplier, however, suppliers will always see the contract reference they initially assigned to the contract.


Select one buyer only

Start Date

The date can be a past date. OneAdvanced will use the start date to define when a product is contracted and so when it appears on search results

End Date

Can be left blank, however if entering a date it cannot be a past date; only current or future dates can be added.


Assign an owner to a contract within your organisation. This could be a person or a department.


100 characters maximum

  1. Once completed, select Confirm. This will open the contract with additional optional fields to populate:



Target Spend

Suppliers can provide a numerical value which can then be used in future Insights reports, to track actual spend against target contract spend

Email Notifications

Suppliers can select to be notified 1 week, 1 month, and/or choose a custom date prior to when a contract is due to expire

Email Notification Address

Up to 3 email addresses can be included


500 characters maximum

  1. Once you have completed the additional fields (if required), select Send to buyer in the right hand corner of the details section.
Do not leave the page prior to saving the local contract.
  1. The buyer will be notified and will review it in their contract module. You will be notified when the buyer has approved / rejected the contract. In the meantime, please ensure you assign items to the contract using the instructions below.

Assigning products to a local contract

Once a local contract has been activated, you need to assign items to it.

If a buyer has set up the local contract, they may have already assigned Lots and / or products to it. These can be reviewed from within the local contract (go to the Active tab and click into the relevant contract to do so).
  1. From within the local contract, scroll to the Manage Attribute section. This is where the contract can be assigned to either supplier level (your full catalogue) or item level (specific products), and will determine your next steps:
If a local contract is assigned to 'supplier' level, any new products added to your catalogue going forwards will automatically be added to the local contract and will be assigned the specific contract reference.
If a product is assigned to a local contract and is also included as part of a framework that the same buyer accesses, the contract reference for the local contract takes priority and this reference would be visible to end users when they are searching for the products.
  1. If you have chosen supplier level, there are no further steps to take. For item level, please follow the instructions below.
  2. Go to the Manage Lots section. Here, you can add, edit and delete Lots if required (please go straight to step 4 if no Lots are required). If the buyer has provided Lot information, please check this is correct (and amend if needed). To create a Lot click the 'Create Lot' button, which will launch a pop-up. Once submitted the Lots will appear underneath:
You can only delete a Lot if no items are assigned to it
  1. Scroll to the Manage Items section of the contract, and download the template available. This contains two columns to be completed:
    1. Catalogue number
    2. Lot name (this can be left blank if no lots have been configured)
The Lot name column should be completed with the exact lot name(s) provided in the Manage Lots section. We recommend copying and pasting the lot names from the system to excel.
  1. Save the completed template as a .csv or .csvx file
  2. From the Manage Items section, click 'Select a file'. Locate the completed template, and once submitted, click the 'Confirm' button:
  3. A status will appear of 'requested' while processing, and once complete the items assigned to the contract will appear underneath:
If the file fails to upload, you can download the error file in the Audit Log at the bottom of the page
  1. Providing the buyer has already accepted the local contract, these items will instantly appear as 'contracted' on their marketplace following upload.

Attaching documents

The Attachments section allows suppliers to load any internal documentation needed against a particular contract for future reference.

Please note that attachments are not shared with the buyer that the contract is set up with - it is only visible to end-users at your organisation.
  • A maximum of 100 attachments can be added against each contract
  • Format types supported are - .pdf, .txt, .csv, .doc, .jpeg, .gif, .ppt, .xlsx, docx
  • You can attach multiple attachments at once

To add attachments, select the Edit button, locate the files and click Confirm to upload. To remove any documents, use the Reset and Select files button, or alternatively to remove all attachments click the Reset button. Select Done once complete to save.

Rejected frameworks

Buyers may choose to reject a local contract (you will be notified via email). All rejected local contracts can be found in a separate panel at the bottom of the Approval tab (on the landing page of the Contract Module) in red:

To review the reason for any rejection, click the blue settings cog on the far right hand side. The rejection message is displayed in red at the top of the contract details page:

If appropriate, you can add or remove items from the local contract here and resubmit them to the buyer for approval once more.

Audit Logs

To review all actions relating to contracts, two options are available:

Recent Audit logs

This is the last section displayed at the bottom of each individual contact. It displays the 10 most recent actions performed against that contract, capturing the Date, Contract Name, the User that performed the action, the details of what the action was and an Actions column which displays downloadable options such as error exports and uploads of items:

Full Audit Log

Within the Contract Module there is a full audit log, which captures all changes made to all contracts (local and framework).

The audit log can be accessed from the Show Audit Log button which is displayed at the top right of the main landing page in the Contract module:

The same button can be used to hide the audit log once reviewed.

How did we do?

Supplier: How do I update an active contract?
