Buyer Admin: How do I approve a supplier level Global Sustainability Attribute?

AD team Updated by AD team

How do I approve a supplier level global attribute?

Suppliers can associate themselves with any global attributes which are available at 'supplier' level (i.e. not just product). Each buyer organisation has an approval step to agree that they are happy with that association.

Please note that as with the Contract Module, you are reliant on the supplier first utilising the module to tag their organisation / products. As such, you may need to reach out to the supplier(s) directly to request that they do this on their side.
  1. From the Purchasing homepage, go to the Admin dropdown and select Attribute Hierarchy Editor
  2. Locate the global attribute you wish to review from the folder of the same name, and click the three dot menu option on the right and select View Details
If you cannot find a global attribute that you need within the module, please raise a case with Customer Support via the OneAdvanced Customer Portal. Please provide as much information as you can about the attribute to assist us with this request.
  1. From within the Attribute details pop-up, select the Supplier list tab
  2. This will display all suppliers that have marked themselves as being associated with that attribute; their status will be Pending:
Please be aware that any supplier who has marked themselves as being part of that global attribute will appear in the list pending your approval, regardless of if you are connected to them on the Purchasing platform. If you approve a supplier you are not connected to, nothing will happen as that supplier isn't visible to your end users.
  1. Suppliers can upload a document as evidence for the associated attribute. To view the file click the Download button
  2. If you are happy for that supplier to be tagged against the global attribute, then click the Approve button in the Action column
  3. Click Approve again on the panel that appears
  4. The supplier will then instantly have their status changed.
  5. In order for this to be visible to your Purchasing marketplace (whether for Insights reporting, or end user visibility) you must now complete the Mapping process. Please follow the guide here: How do I map sustainability attributes (supplier and global)?

How do I remove a previously approved supplier level Global Attribute?

  1. From within the Attribute Hierarchy Editor, locate the global attribute you need from the folder of the same name, and click the three dot menu option on the right and select View Details
  2. Select the Supplier list tab from the pop-up that appears
  3. Locate the supplier in question from the list and click Unapprove
  4. Confirm your decision by clicking Unapprove on the panel that appears
  5. This will instantly remove the tag from that supplier and you will see that they no longer appear in the supplier list

How did we do?

Buyer: Sustainability - Reporting on the ESG Insights Dashboard

Buyer Admin: An introduction to Sustainability Data on Purchasing
