Buyer Admin documentation

Contract Module

Guidance on how to utilise the Contract Module in order to make visible frameworks and local agreements to your end users, and track contracted spend.

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7 articles by 1 author

The Purchasing Homepage and Administration Interface

Editing your homepage, including logo, colour scheme and marketplace news and an introduction to the Administration interface.

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3 articles by 1 author

Workflow Editor

How to use our workflow editor

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1 article by 1 author

Logging in and Multi-Factor Authentication)

Help with logins and multi-factor authentication for administrative users

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3 articles by 2 authors

End User Management

Managing end user accounts, including creation and deactivation

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4 articles by 1 author

Sustainability (ESG) Module

Guidance on how to use the Sustainability (ESG) Module to make visible and track spend against 'green' products.

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5 articles by 2 authors

Supplier Catalogue Management

Guides covering the management of supplier catalogues, including the Price Approval process, catalogue visibility and exporting catalogue data.

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9 articles by 1 author
