Supplier Catalogue Management

​Buyer Admin: Price Approval - How do I approve or reject a price file?

The price approval process in full, covering how to accept, reject and line level reject items within a catalogue.

AD team
Updated by AD team

Buyer: How do I mark an entire supplier catalogue as 'Preferred'?

This guide provides instructions on how to enable a whole supplier to show as 'Preferred' on your Purchasing marketplace.

AD team
Updated by AD team

Buyer Admin: How do I export a supplier catalogue?

Exporting a supplier's catalogue data from the Purchasing marketplace.

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Updated by AD team

Buyer Admin: How do I hide an entire supplier's catalogue?

Changing the status of a supplier catalogue to deselected will remove visibility from all end users, apart from any superdomain, category or individual product selections, or those made within a part…

AD team
Updated by AD team

Buyer Admin: How do I make a hidden catalogue visible again?

This guide covers how to restore and make visible a previously hidden supplier catalogue. For instructions on how to hide a catalogue, please click here: How do I hide an entire supplier's catalogue?…

AD team
Updated by AD team

Buyer Admin - How can I change an item's visibility or status?

If you want to change the visibility of a product or a set of products, there are two methods depending on the access you have to the system, as well as what you are trying to achieve. The two option…

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Updated by AD team
