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Buyer Admin: How do I create a local contract?

AD team Updated by AD team

How do I set up a local contract?

This guide describes how to set up a local contract on the Contract Module. Local contracts are agreements between your organisation and one supplier. For contracts where multiple suppliers are involved this would need to be a Framework.

Suppliers are also able to set up local contracts on the module. If they do this you will receive an email notification requesting your approval.
If you need to create a number of local contracts, you can do so in bulk by following the guide here

For information on how to approve or reject a local contract please review the guide here.

  1. From the Purchasing Homepage, go to the Admin dropdown, select Attribute Manager and then the Contract Module
  2. Select the green Add New Contract button:
  3. You will be presented with the following boxes to complete (fields marked by a red asterisk are mandatory):




    50 characters maximum

    Contract Reference

    50 characters maximum. This can be amended by the supplier if they choose, however, any amended contract reference will remain for the supplier only.


    100 characters maximum


    Assign an owner for the contract within your organisation. This could be a person or a department.


    Select one supplier only

    Start Date

    The date can be a past date. OneAdvanced will use the start date to define when a product is contracted and so when it appears on search results

    End Date

    Can be left blank, however if entering a date it cannot be a past date; only current or future dates can be added.

  4. Once completed, select Confirm. This will open the contract with additional optional fields to populate:



    Target Spend

    You can provide a numerical value which can then be used in future Insights reports, to track actual spend against target contract spend

    Email Notifications

    You can select to be notified 1 week, 1 month, and/or choose a custom date prior to when a contract is due to expire

    Email Notification Address

    Up to 3 email addresses can be included


    500 characters maximum

  5. Once you have completed the additional fields (if required), select Save in the right hand corner of the details section.
Do not leave the page prior to saving the local contract.
  1. The supplier will receive an email notification to make them aware there is a local contract set up by you. The supplier can now review it in their Contract Module and add Lots and assign their products to the contract for you to review (if you are not doing this yourself - please follow the instructions below). Once they upload their data, you will receive an email notification to approve / reject the items. For guidance on how to do this please click here.

Assigning Lots and products to a local contract

While suppliers can create Lots and assign products to a local contract themselves, there may be circumstances where you as the buyer would prefer to complete this work. If so, please follow the below steps once the local contract has been created:

Please note you can just create the Lots (where applicable) and then leave the supplier to add the items, or complete both steps.
  1. From within the local contract, scroll to the Manage Attribute section. This is where the contract can be assigned at either supplier level (their full catalogue) or item level (specific products), and will determine your next steps:
If a local contract is assigned to 'supplier' level, any new products added to that supplier's catalogue going forwards will automatically be added to the local contract and will be assigned the specific contract reference.
If a product is assigned to a local contract and is also included as part of a framework you access, the contract reference for the local contract takes priority and this reference would be visible to end users when they are searching for the products.
Local Contracts for NHS customers using Local Catalogues: Please note that for NHS customers using Local Catalogues, you need to tag items at “Item Level” rather than “Supplier Level” otherwise the Contract/Lot Reference will apply to all suppliers in your Local Catalogue and not just the supplier you have selected.
  1. If you have chosen supplier level, there are no further steps to take and the contracted logo will appear straight away against the supplier's items on your marketplace. For item level, please follow the instructions below.
  2. To assign Lots to the Local Contract: Go to the Manage Lots section. Here, you can add, edit and delete Lots if required (please go straight to step 4 if no Lots are required and you just wish to assign specific products to the local contract). To create a Lot click the Create Lot button, which will launch a pop-up. Once submitted the Lots will appear underneath:
You can only delete a Lot if no items are assigned to it.
  1. To assign products to the Local Contract: Scroll to the Manage Items section of the contract, and download the template available. This contains two columns to be completed:
    1. Catalogue number
    2. Lot name (this can be left blank if no Lots have been configured)
The Lot name column should be completed with the exact lot name(s) provided in the Manage Lots section. We recommend copying and pasting the lot names from the system to excel.
Alternatively, if you only need to add a individual product (or very small number of products) to the contract, you can add individual items by using the '+' button and free-typing in the catalogue number, and then manually assigning the Lot within the Manage Items interface.
  1. Save the completed template as a .csv or .csvx file
  2. From the Manage Items section, click Select a file. Locate the completed template, and once submitted, click the Confirm button:
  3. When submitting a template you will see the status appear next to the file name as follows:
  • Requested: The upload has been sent for processing
  • Completed with errors: The upload has completed but with errors. To review the error reason, please scroll to the Recent Audit Log section at the bottom of the page where you can download any error reports.
  • Completed: The upload has completed successfully
  1. Once the file has been processed, if successful, you will see the items assigned to that contract within the Manage Items section.
  2. The items will show as 'Contracted' within the Purchasing search results for your end users as soon as the system refreshes

How did we do?

Buyer Admin: How do I approve a Framework?

Buyer Admin: Contract Spend Analysis
