UNSPSC Version Update Guide

UNSPSC Version Update Guide

OneAdvanced are putting into place an annual upgrade of the UNSPSC code set used by the Purchasing marketplace catalogues. The first upgrade took place in April 2024. Thereafter, the change will occur regularly around a month after UNSPSC publish a new version. Typically the new version is published by UNSPSC in September at which point OneAdvanced will publish a changes spreadsheet.

August 2024 Update: Please note that we aren't expecting a further upgrade during 2024 (i.e. we will be remaining on V26 for the foreseeable) due to UNSPSC not making any changes this year.
The Spring 2024 upgrade is likely to be larger than normal as this is an upgrade from version 16 to the latest available version 26. With annual upgrades thereafter the number of changes is expected to be smaller.

An explanation of the changes spreadsheet given as part of an update can be found below with examples.

The spreadsheet contains four columns that are used to identify new, deleted and changed codes. The examples below are for the comparison between v16 and v26.

New Codes

If a code and description only appears under the new version columns (here Version 26) this means the code was not present in version 16 (the current schema) and is present as a valid code in version 26.

In the above example, code 10101520 for 'Llama' did not exist in version 16 but does exist in version 26 meaning it is a new code.

Deleted Codes

If the code and the description appear only in the old version (here version 16) this means that the code did exist previously but no longer exists in the new version. It is a deleted code.

In the above example, 10151501 'Bean seeds or seedlings' no longer exists with that code in version 26.

Changed Codes

If the code and description is present in both versions, this means the code remains valid in the latest version but the description for that code has changed.

In the example below, code 12161909 has a description change from 'Betaines' to 'Betaine surfactant':

How did we do?

Supplier: How do I amend a catalogue number?

Supplier: How do I edit my product data?
