Buyer Admin - How can I change an item's visibility or status?

AD team Updated by AD team

If you want to change the visibility of a product or a set of products, there are two methods depending on the access you have to the system, as well as what you are trying to achieve.

The two options are:

  • Amending product visibility / status by specific categories
  • Amending product visibility / status of specific products

Your user type will determine which method you can use:

  • Price Approver users are able to make changes at item level only.
  • Administrator users have the ability to change the visibility of entire supplier catalogues. They can also control this at departmental level (subject to there being a business unit(s) / departmental hierarchy), superdomain and category level.

How do I change the visibility of specific categories within a supplier's catalogue?

Please be aware this functionality is only available to System Administrators / those with an admin log-in.

For suppliers that have categorised data hosted on Purchasing (formerly Advanced Marketplace), administrators can control visibility at superdomain and category level. This is particularly useful if your organisation has a contract or framework agreement for a specific category of goods with a supplier.

  1. In Business Unit Administration, select Supplier Status:
  2. Click the blue Create Supplier Status button.
  3. Choose the supplier you wish to restrict the category for from the available list (you will only see your organisation’s connected marketplace suppliers):
  4. In the Superdomain dropdown, select the title you wish to make changes to:
  5. While the superdomain alone may be sufficient, if you wish, you are then able to select a Category from the next dropdown, allowing the management to be more granular:
  6. Change the status to Deselected (to switch off), Preferred (to promote rankings in search results) or Selected (if you are switching a category or superdomain back on):
  7. Click Create
Any changes made here require an overnight refresh to take effect.
Price approver users will still be able to change the item status of individual items from this superdomain/category if required (as covered below).

How do I change the visibility of specific products?

If your user type includes Item Status Edit (such as Approver with price approval and item status edit) then you will be able to apply settings to individual catalogue products. This cannot be done through an Admin account.
  1. On Purchasing, search for / locate the product(s) in question
  2. On the search results page, click on the desired status you wish to give this product in the Edit Item Status section below the product (preferred, selected, deselected). A request will run overnight and the item will be updated within 24 hours.
  3. If you want to Multi-Select, click Enable multi-select which can be located at the top right hand side of the search results page:

This will enable a new window to manage the status of many items at once and across multiple pages. For example, you can view a couple of pages of search results and change the status of various items across these pages, with an upper limit of 1000 products. This feature remains active until you close it or log out of the system:

Select the status you require for the items.

If your organisation has Business Units in place, you will then be prompted to select which Business Unit(s) you wish to make these changes for in a further pop-up. Once you are happy with your selection, click Update.

Any changes made at item level should be reflected immediately on your marketplace, however, please note that it can sometimes take longer depending on how much activity is in the processing queue at that time.

How did we do?

Buyer Admin: How do I make a hidden catalogue visible again?
