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Supplier Insights: On and Off Catalogue Orders

Gary Leach Updated by Gary Leach

Introduction to On And Off Catalogue Reporting

The On/Off Catalogue report illustrates the value of spend on accepted catalogue order lines versus off catalogue order lines against time, including a breakdown of spend for each Line Type. You will find in the guide below an explanation of the line types and the drill down reports which are available.

About Order Line Types

These Insights are focused on the order data and the types of order lines. The possible line types on orders are:

  • Catalogue
  • Free Format
  • Punchout
  • Oligo
  • eService
  • RFQ

Before describing how to use the insights, here is a quick definition of the different line types that the system supports. Note that not all suppliers will receive orders for all these line types.


The main bulk of orders in the Purchasing system originate with buyers ordering items from catalogues uploaded by the supplier. These are referred to as catalogue lines.

Free Format

Orders made using either the purchasing system free format module or a free text order made in the buyers finance system will show as free format orders.


Where a buyer organisation uses a punchout method to order goods from the suppliers own website and bring them through the purchasing system, these will appear as punchout lines.


Orders placed using the purchasing module for oligonucleotides will appear as oligo lines. Note that this will include oligo orders made through a suppliers own website via the oligo module.


Form based service ordering for areas such as catering and care hire appear as eService lines.


Where a request for a quote has been placed through the purchasing quotes module and subsequently turned into an order, this will appear as an RFQ line.

On/Off Catalogue Dashboard Summary

The main KPI Insights dashboard summarises the different types of orders that a supplier organisation deals with. If an organisation only purchases items by catalogue and free format, then only 2 line types will be summarised.

These are summarised on the example element shown below:

Hovering over the question mark icons provides tooltips that explain report features. Here a tooltip can be shown that explains each of the different line types. Here is the example tooltip for the catalogue line explanation.

On/Off Catalogue Drill Down Report

Clicking on the On/Off Catalogue Orders summary element on the KPI dashboard will drill down into this data. The drill down consists of two elements

  • Weekly Order Value Graph - On/Off Catalogue
  • On and Off Catalogue Revenue by Customer

Weekly Order Value Graph - On/Off Catalogue

This will display a drill down report like the one shown below:

The Weekly Order Value graph shows the order value for the various line types over time.

The key at the top defines which lines are for which line types.
Clicking on the key can add/remove the lines from the graph.

Hovering over a line will show a tooltip that display the data for that point on the graph.

On and Off Catalogue Revenue by Customer

The table below the graph summarises the data shown on the graph, showing revenue by customer.

The table can be exported

Report Filters

There are 4 filters that can be used to change the data shown on the graph and the table.

Customer Filter

Can be used to show data for a specific customer or all customers (the default). Click the dropdown to choose the customer:

Item Type Filter

A filter that can be used to just show data for specific line types.

Currency Filter

If orders have been placed in different currencies, this filter can be used to display data relevant to only those of a specific currency.

Date Period

The date period filter can be used to display order data for a specific date range.

Exporting Data

The export table button on the right can be used to download an export of the data.

This will initiate a download that can be opened for example in Excel.

Additional Export Options for Line Type Data

Line type data can also be included in other insights as follows:

From the main KPI dashboard, drill down into the purchase orders insights. Exporting the purchase order lines will include a line type column identifying the type of order line.

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Supplier: How can I view Insights reports?
