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Supplier: How do I provide catalogue pricing?

AD team Updated by AD team

How to provide catalogue pricing

Please be aware that products are not made visible to end users until pricing has been uploaded successfully and approved as part of the OneAdvanced approval process which involves both you and the relevant buyer(s).
If you would prefer to watch a video guide, please click here.

Download and complete a price template

Once you have uploaded your product data, you need to upload pricing using one of our dedicated templates.

  1. Select the Catalogue Management tab from the left navigation menu of the supplier portal
  2. Select the Upload button and then Prices from the dropdown:
  3. An upload window appears, providing you with various options. Select the relevant template you need (either the unit price template or the volume price break example template) from the Template dropdown box and click Download:
Unit Price Template

Upon selecting this option, an Excel file will be downloaded which is pre-populated with columns including Catalogue Number, List price and a column for each buyer you are connected to. Section 3 of the Standard Data Requirements guide (available to download from Catalogue Management > Upload > Products upload window) provides more information on how to populate these columns.

  • Ensure that your pricing is entered with the numerical value only, excluding any currency symbol as this can cause the file upload to be rejected.
  • Also ensure that you enter the pricing in the correct currency value which will be shown to each buyer e.g. Sterling for UK and Northern Ireland buyers, Euros for Republic of Ireland buyers.
  • For any buyers where you don't need to provide pricing, please delete their pricing column from the template. If you do not, the system will reject the upload as it cannot accept blank cells.
  • On completion, ensure your file is saved as .csv, .xlsx or .xls

Volume price break example template

This file allows you to set volume price breaks.

For example, if you want to offer a reduced cost per item if an end-user orders a set number and above, this file allows you to do so.

Section 3.1.6 of the Standard Data Requirements guide (available to download from Catalogue Management > Upload > Products upload window) provides more information on how to populate these columns.

Uploading Price Files

Once you have completed your chosen price template you will need to upload it. To do so, login to the portal, and perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Catalogue Management tab from the left navigation menu of the supplier portal
  2. Select the Upload button and then Prices from the dropdown:
  3. Under the Local file to upload section, click Choose a file and select your saved price file
    1. Optional: You can populate the Contacts tab to configure an additional email to receive notifications about the status of this price upload.
    2. Optional: You can provide any Internal Notes that you might want to capture against your upload and these will display on the job when you click to view it. Please be aware that these are not visible to buyers.
    The system will automatically detect if you have a unit price file or a volume price file
  4. Click Submit
  5. A price job will be created in the Catalogue Management tab interface. You may need to click the Refresh button to track the progress a file is making in the upload table:
Uploads highlighted in green have been successful, those in red have failed.
  1. Once successfully uploaded, you will need to approve the price file. To do this, please follow the Price Approval guide here.

Why has a price file failed?

For detailed information on why a price file may have failed, please go to Why has my price file failed?

How did we do?

Supplier: How do I export my catalogue?

Supplier: Why has my price file failed?
