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Supplier: Why has my price file failed?

AD team Updated by AD team

Why has my price file failed?

From the Catalogue Management tab you will be able to see if your price upload has failed.

We have two failure statuses for price uploads: Failed and Scanning Rejected. To understand in more detail why your price upload has failed, you need to click the blue View Job button on the right hand side. From there, you will be able to review any rejection reasons and download any reports available to help you pinpoint the product(s) or data point that is causing the issue:

Common reasons why a price file has failed:

  • Unable to detect type of file - where the formatting of your file is so dissimilar from the template we cannot detect the file type. Please download the price template from the Catalogue Management tab and only use this.
  • Incorrect file format - your price file must be .xls, .xlsx or .csv
  • Amended or additional column headers - only use the column headers provided, and do not add or amend these, as the system needs to match to the headers exactly.
  • Currency symbols within the file (such as £) - only numerical values are allowed
  • Prices contain more than four decimal places (please see below for more information on this)
  • Inclusion of thousand comma separators in the pricing (e.g. 1,000) – the portal will not accept these
  • Pricing of 0.00 or left blank - pricing can only be uploaded as numerical values of HIDE, POA (price on application) or FOC (free of charge). Zero (0) or blank pricing cells will cause the full price file to be rejected by the portal.
  • Duplicate products - the portal cannot accept duplicate catalogue numbers in price files and this will cause the full file to fail (please note this doesn't apply to volume break price files). Check the duplicate report for details of the exact product(s) causing this.
  • Products don't exist - you can only apply pricing for items that have been loaded successfully into your catalogue previously. The portal will fail any files that contain brand new items that do not exist in the current catalogue.
  • Conflicting pending price files - the portal will not allow you to apply new pricing for items that are part of a pending price update already and will fail any price files in full if they contain such items. You should either approve / reject the pending file as required (check the available reports for details of the specific products and upload in question), OR if the price file is 'pending buyer approval', please contact our Customer Support team to reject the file on your behalf so you can then upload your new file.
  • Blank pricing columns - delete any buyer pricing columns for buyers where you do not wish to update their pricing
Decimal place formatting issues

All pricing on Purchasing must not exceed four decimal places.

Please be aware that if your excel file is saved as .xls or .xlsx, and you format the field to only show 4 decimal places or less, Excel will retain the original number in the background causing issues upon upload. See formula field vs highlighted field below:


  • Manually adjust the number of decimal places in the field
  • Save the file as .csv and the cell formatting will be retained
If you still are unable to understand why your price job failed please contact our support team for more information by raising a case on the customer portal here. If you are not already registered, you can do so by following this link.

How did we do?

Supplier: How do I provide catalogue pricing?

Supplier: How do I upload images to my catalogue?
