Buyer Admin: How do I hide an entire supplier's catalogue?

AD team Updated by AD team

Changing the status of a supplier catalogue to deselected will remove visibility from all end users, apart from any superdomain, category or individual product selections, or those made within a particular business unit. It should be noted that the lowest level of selection, deselection or the preferred status will override those above, thus a catalogue may be deselected, a superdomain selected, a category preferred and an item deselected but products within that preferred category will still be visible.

To deselect a catalogue:

  1. In Marketplace Administration, on the Business unit administration tab navigate to Supplier Status
  2. Navigate to the supplier you wish to make changes to
  3. Change the Status to Deselected:
  4. Select Update:
If the deselection is due to be permanent, you must email the Content Team at to confirm as there are background processes which need to be initiated in this instance.
Changes may require a overnight refresh in order to take effect. If a supplier's items are still visible the next day, please contact the Content Team at This may be because you have customer Item Status settings that a OneAdvanced team member will need to override for you.

For instructions on how make a supplier's catalogue visible again, please go to the following guide: How do I make a hidden catalogue visible again?

How did we do?

Buyer Admin: How do I export a supplier catalogue?

Buyer Admin: How do I make a hidden catalogue visible again?
