Supplier: How do I amend my company profile details?

AD team Updated by AD team

To view your company details, go to the My Profile tab on the left navigation menu of the supplier portal home screen, or alternatively by selecting your company name shown in the top right hand corner of the home screen, and selecting ‘My Account’.

Selecting either option launches you into the Supplier Implementation Module, specifically taking you directly to ‘My Network’ where information about your current buyer connections are shown.

My Profile

This tab contains information about your company which you can update if the field allows it. The panel on the right of the page details which fields are mandatory although most of this information will already be pre-populated for you.

The information shown here includes the following:

  • Logo
  • Company Name
  • Previous Name
  • Organisation Type
  • VAT number
  • Registration number
  • Year established
  • Number of employees
  • Supplier Profile
  • Website
  • Geographic area (Country)
  • Annual revenue
  • Default currency
  • Add new address (including shipping, billing, registration or other addresses)
  • Add new contact (including name, telephone number, email address, role, and further information)
Email preferences
  • General email address
  • Email to receive order notifications
  • Email address to be seen by your customers
  • Email to receive quotation requests
  • Email address for replies to quotation requests
  • Email address for price approvals

My Products

You can also add information on the ‘My Products’ tab:


Here you need to select a default product category that is appropriate to your company. You can select more than one category (UNSPSC code), but please ensure there is one default category selected as a minimum.

Hazard codes

If you sell hazardous products, you are able to complete further details here, which will be visible to buyers.

Please note that if you need to amend your Company Name, please contact your Customer Success Manager directly or our Support Team via the Customer Portal who can help arrange this. If you require access to the customer portal you can register here.

How did we do?

Supplier: How do I update my email notifications?

Supplier: How do I update my company name and logo?
