Release 19th January 2023

Release 19th January 2023


Impacted area



SIM Suppliers

FIX:SIM is connecting the price list to the buyer for suppliers which are 'manual intervention' suppliers. Examples of these are traders once they reach 3 total connections and I have replicated this in staging for PCR Biosystems and University of Bristol. Normally our Content team should get involved to set up the connection before suppliers can upload pricing

Once pricing is approved on both sides, if the supplier has its supplier status adjusted in admin they could go live (which buyers have access to amend).

There needs to be some kind of block or notification to stop this from happening (e.g. the price list isn't automatically added) otherwise this could result in lost transaction fees or extra access to trader suppliers who are not entitled to it.


Delivery charges

FIX: it appears the supplier delivery charge pop-out (from the main search results page) doesn’t reformat symbols.


Leeds Requsitions

FIX: Items ordered by Leeds from the Blackwell punchout are not providing ISBN/catalogue numbers on the raised POs being sent to the supplier, although the ISBN details are seen in a Catalogue No. field within the requisition details and are being returned from the Blackwell punchout. Viewing Leeds orders since the move to eReqs2, this appears to have been a constant situation since their move to eReqs2, although the details appear to have been included as expected on their eReqs1 orders prior to the change.


Free Format

FIX:Decimals have been allowed to be entered as quantity values on free format, but quantities less than 1 generate an error and it is unclear as to the quantity (seemingly) being the cause


Price History

FIX: It's been flagged up that if an item has a volume price break loaded, then the "Price History" button disappears for users who have that permission.

How did we do?

Release Notes 16th March 2023

Release Notes 11th Dec 2023
