5th August 2021 Release Notes

5th August 2021 Release


Impacted area



Supplier Contract Data

Enable the tick box on rejected frameworks so that a supplier can re-invite a buyer to a rejected framework.


Contract data audit log

Amended the audit log for BUYER_REJECTED_FRAMEWORK entry in the contract module, to include the name of the supplier that created the framework


Contract data audit log

Amended the audit log for BUYER_JOINED_FRAMEWORK entry in the contract module, to include the name of the supplier that created the framework


Contract data emails

Amended the current email that gets sent to suppliers to make them aware that a buyer has rejected the framework invitation.

13616, 13618

Contract Data Buyer And Supplier

The buyer can comment against the framework within the buyer contract module is saved and displayed to the suppliers on the framework within the supplier contract module


Supplier Contract Data

Now displays the rejection comments that the buyer has provided to the suppliers on the framework within the supplier contract module, so the supplier can read what the buyer has provided to allow the suppliers to decide whether they need to amend some details on the framework before re inviting the buyer.


Supplier Contract Data

Loading products is now mandatory where a framework is set at item level on the supplier contract module, before suppliers can then invite buyers, this is to ensure suppliers are assigning the appropriate items to the frameworks and the buyers can then see those items when they go to Join (or reject) the framework

How did we do?

Release Notes 19th August 2021

Release 8th July 2021
