Release 4th August 2022

4th August 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 16000 Order Amendments. Fixed issue for amendments when new line added at different tax rate to original order for a supplier that does not…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

Release 8th December 2022

Release 8th December 2022 Reference Impacted area Description 12065 Goods receipting Fixed reciepting issue. The problem occurred when trying to receipt an order line by clicking in the box where the…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

Pending eCat Releases

Release 13th October 2022 Reference Impacted area Description 14998 Requsiitons Screen (Leeds Only) PO number on a requsitions screen not reflecting PO supplier by Leeds through integration. 14894 Re…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

Release 18th August 2022

August 18th 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 17246 Basket Workflow Fixed issue whereby when last step in workflow was 'Approve by Owner', the apporval email was sent to the previous a…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

Release 7th July 2022

July 7th 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 14581 Sustainability Initial view of sustainability data on porduct details page. Switched off behind feature toggle until sustainability GTM.

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

Release 23rd June 2022

23rd June 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 16950 Product details Fixed issue where alternative porducts not visible in product details page. 15932 Sustainability Feature toggle contro…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

Release 9th June 2022

9th June 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 15121 Buyer Insights (Reqs) Insights was not reporting correct details for list price in eREqs implementations, reported specifically by Leed…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

28th April 2022 Release Notes

28th April 2 022 release Reference Impacted area Description 16235 eServices Admin Errors when attempting to update or add new pricing values for an eservices form. This has been fixed to funcitonali…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

26th May 2022 release

26th May 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 14988 Requsiitons event log Names rather than numeric ID's now shown in event log. 14985 Requisitions Fixed bug where Approver could immediat…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

28th April 2022 release

28th April 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 16235 eServices Problems when changing prices for eservices price calculator have been fixed. 12148 Print Orders Resolved issue whereby pri…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

3rd March 2022 release

3rd March 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 14718 Regquisiitons screen When an item is hidden between a requsition submission and final apporval, this causes an error on the requsiiton…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

17th February 2022 Rlease Notes

17th February 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 15516, 15651 Basket workflow - review basket screen Review basket links to orders page broken. Navigating via the linkes results in an e…

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach

13th January 2022 release

13th January 2022 release Reference Impacted area Description 11662 Supplier Portal image loading.JPG named files were not working and this has now been fixed.

Gary Leach
Updated by Gary Leach
